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Time Recording: Public Services

Time Recording provides services for integration in other apps (like "Tasker"), and for developers who want to use these on their own.

Broadcast Receivers

Activity actions

→ Note: these are "action strings", not activity class names. If you absolutely need to also provide the activity class, then use this:
Activity: com.dynamicg.timerecording.DispatcherFilteredActivity
Action: as per preceding list

Activity class names
Alternatively, if you cannot use "Activities with action names", then use one of these classes for punching; we've originally wanted to remove them with an earlier app version, but some apps like NFC ReTag only accept dedicated class names.

App package names
Note the activity and broadcast names are identical in both app versions ("Free" and "Pro"); you always need to include the "app package name" as extra argument when calling these, i.e. either of:

Simple broadcast test with ADB
The last argument is the app package name, i.e. "Free" respectively "Pro":
adb shell am broadcast -a com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_INFO com.dynamicg.timerecording
adb shell am broadcast -a com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_INFO com.dynamicg.timerecording.pro

Simple activity test with ADB
adb shell am start -n com.dynamicg.timerecording/com.dynamicg.timerecording.DispatcherFilteredActivity -a com.dynamicg.timerecording.activity.CHECK_IN
adb shell am start -n com.dynamicg.timerecording.pro/com.dynamicg.timerecording.DispatcherFilteredActivity -a com.dynamicg.timerecording.activity.CHECK_IN

Set specific task when punching
• Set the "com.dynamicg.timerecording.TASK" extra. Value is the numeric Task ID as displayed on the "Edit task" screen.
• Alternatively, set the "com.dynamicg.timerecording.TASK_NAME" extra with the given task name. If the same tasks exists for different clients, use format "taskname[[clientname]]".
• Tasker info: when setting parameters in Tasker, use this notation: com.dynamicg.timerecording.TASK:{ID}

Set specific time when punching
• Set the "com.dynamicg.timerecording.TIME" extra.
• Format is "hh24:mm" (i.e. 00:00 to 23:59).
• If you need to set the "Validity date" to next day: use format "hh24:mm+1", e.g. "00:45+1"

Set work unit notes when punching
• Set the "com.dynamicg.timerecording.NOTES" extra

• This is for developers who want to integrate Time Recording status information in their own apps or widgets. GET_INFO sends current task, running total work time, current daily and weekly "delta", and other data to your BroadcastReceiver.
• Sample project is available here: TimeRecInfoGetter-src.zip
• The relevant call is: com.dynamicg.timerecinfogetter.TimeRecDataGetter.getData()
• Alternatively, the app's "Tasker Plugin" provides the "GET_INFO_BROADCAST" action, which returns all GET_INFO information as "key/value bundle". Check the details popup on the "Time Recording Tasker Plugin" configuration screen when selecting this option.

Report generation can be triggered through broadcast intent. Sample see below.

What's “Check in” vs. “Punch” vs. “Start new task”
• “Check in” will check in once. Repeated calls are ignored
• “Punch” will do a check in or a check out, depending on the current state.
• “Start new task” performs a "check in" to start a new work unit. If you have been checked in already, the previous work unit is closed with a "check out".

App package detection
Below samples reference variable "timeRecPkgName" as target app package name; you can either hard code this to "com.dynamicg.timerecording" or "com.dynamicg.timerecording.pro", or you can use the Android package manager to check which app is installed: public static String getTimeRecPackage(Context context) { final String pkgFree = "com.dynamicg.timerecording", pkgPro = "com.dynamicg.timerecording.pro"; // caution: these these packages need to be registered as "<queries>" in the Android app manifest (since Android 11) try { if (context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(pkgPro, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES)!=null) { return pkgPro; } } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {} return pkgFree; }
This is for developers who want to read the task list. Also see "Tasks export/import". Intent intent = new Intent("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS"); intent.setPackage(timeRecPkgName); BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent resultIntent) { Bundle extras = this.getResultExtras(true); if (extras!=null) { ArrayList<Integer> taskIds = extras.getIntegerArrayList("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS.IDS"); String[] taskNames = extras.getStringArray("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS.NAMES"); String[] clientNames = extras.getStringArray("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS.CLIENTS"); String[] extra1 = extras.getStringArray("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS.EXTRA1"); String[] extra2 = extras.getStringArray("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS.EXTRA2"); boolean currentlyCheckedIn = extras.getBoolean("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS.STATE_CHECKED_IN"); int currentTaskId = extras.getInt("com.dynamicg.timerecording.GET_TASKS.STATE_TASK_ID"); } } }; context.sendOrderedBroadcast(intent, null, resultReceiver, null, Activity.RESULT_OK, null, null);
• This updates one of the "Value" fields
• Broadcast receiver: com.dynamicg.timerecording.SERVICE_DISPATCHER with OPERATION=STAMP_VALUE_UPDATE
• Bundle values: key={VALUE_1|VALUE_2|VALUE_A|VALUE_B|VALUE_C|VALUE_D}, value={the value you want to set}
• By default, the current work unit is updated. Optional bundle value: key=TIME, value=time stamp in format hh24:mm of the work unit you want to update.
• Sample: Intent intent = new Intent("com.dynamicg.timerecording.SERVICE_DISPATCHER"); intent.setPackage(timeRecPkgName); intent.putExtra("OPERATION", "UPDATE_STAMP_VALUE"); intent.putExtra("VALUE_A", "TestA_"+new java.util.Date()); intent.putExtra("TIME", "08:46"); context.sendBroadcast(intent);
final String dateFrom = "2017-08-01"; // format "yyyy-mm-yy" final String dateTo = "2017-08-31"; // format "yyyy-mm-yy" final String exportType = "e3"; // "e2" to "e10" final String exportFormat = "html"; // values [html, xls, pdf, csv, xml] Intent intent = new Intent("com.dynamicg.timerecording.DATA_EXPORT"); intent.setPackage(timeRecPkgName); intent.putExtra("com.dynamicg.timerecording.DATE_FROM", dateFrom); intent.putExtra("com.dynamicg.timerecording.DATE_TO", dateTo); intent.putExtra("com.dynamicg.timerecording.EXPORT_TYPE", exportType); intent.putExtra("com.dynamicg.timerecording.EXPORT_FORMAT", exportFormat); // provide your package name so that TimeRec can grant the file uri: intent.putExtra("com.dynamicg.timerecording.CALLED_BY_PKG", context.getPackageName()); // ALTERNATIVELY: PASS ALL PARAMS WITH ONE SINGLE "EXTRA" //String exportData = dateFrom+","+dateTo+","+exportType+","+exportFormat; //intent.putExtra("com.dynamicg.timerecording.EXPORT_DATA", exportData); BroadcastReceiver resultReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent resultIntent) { Bundle bundle = this.getResultExtras(true); String uristring = bundle.getString("com.dynamicg.timerecording.FILE_URI"); android.net.Uri uri = android.net.Uri.parse(uristring); Toast.makeText(context, "uri: "+uri.toString(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // content can be accessed via the uri's input stream, like so: // InputStream is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri); } }; context.sendOrderedBroadcast(intent, null, resultReceiver, null, Activity.RESULT_OK, null, null);

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